Prayer Stations at 220
Station - Writing Scripture on Risers
Location : Stadium Seating (Risers) in Auditorium (PLYWOOD ONLY)
Directions : We want to stand on the power of the God’s Word. Take a sharpie and write down a scripture on the risers (plywood) that has been an encouragement to you or what you pray for over our church.
Kids Directions : Do you have a favorite scripture? Find it in the bible and write it on the risers.
Station - Names on Bricks Around Baptismal
Location : Open area in auditorium
Directions : We desire to see every person in Griffin awakened by Jesus. Take a sharpie and find a brick (its ok if there are other names on them) and write the first name of someone in your life that does not know Jesus that you are praying that God would use City Church to wake them up to who Jesus is. After you write that name, spend a few moments praying for them.
Kids Directions : Who in your life may not know Jesus, that you pray one day will? Maybe it’s a friend, a teacher, a family member or even a coach. Write out their name on a brick and commit to praying for them.
Station - Writing Out Prayers For Our City
Location : Exposed Brick Wall
Directions : We want to see a move of God in our city. Take a pen and a notecard and write out a prayer over our city. Maybe pray for our city and county leadership or our schools. Once you have written it out, take a close pins and connect it to the string.
Kids Directions : God loves Griffin, the people who live here and those who are responsible for making Griffin better! What do you love about Griffin? What do you hope God will do with and through the people here? Write a prayer asking God for those things.
Station - Communion
Location : Coffee Bar in Lobby
Directions :
When we take communion, we are remembering Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. The bread and juice are tangible, visible reminders of Christ's love. Rather than simply saying “remember,” Jesus gave us a reminder. Take some time to read the scripture below, pray, and then take communion.
Kids Directions : Remembering is important to God! Communion is a chance for people who have made the decision to follow Jesus to remember the sacrifice Jesus made by dying on the cross for our sins. Taking communion reminds Jesus followers to continue honoring God with everything they do. If you haven’t made the decision to follow Jesus yet, use this time to think about all the ways that God has loved you in the past. Say a prayer thanking Him for loving you!
Station - Prayers for the Next Generation
Location : By Stairwell
Directions : We are for all kids, students and their families. These strings run upstairs and are connected to each room that each age group will meet in. Take a few moments and write out a prayer or a scripture for as many age groups as you wish and then put them into the appropriate bucket.
Kids Directions : What do you hope the kids that don’t know Jesus will experience in City Kids? Write a prayer asking God for that.