We all want to be present during the holidays, but, if we were honest, there are so many things that pull for our attention. Here are a couple of suggestions for ways to create space for what matters most this Christmas season.

1: Get off of Social Media

We know, we know… we may have lost you at #1 BUT, whether it is for the full month of December or just Christmas Day, focus on enjoying YOUR Christmas, family, or experiences instead of someone else’s through social media.

2 : Set some “Phone Free” blocks of time

Our phone is a great tool, but many times it becomes our boss. It controls how we interact with it, instead of the opposite. “Phone free” simply means that you have turned your phone off and put it away. The duration of time is up to you… whatever you think you need to be fully present in the moment with yourself, friends, or family.

3 : Get your christmas shopping done as early and as close as possible

Set a day, make a plan, and purchase or order as much of your Christmas gifts as you can. The earlier the better. This will remove unneeded stress off of you as Christmas Day approaches. Have a “shopping day” and a “wrapping day” and then be done. Exchange the title of “the perfect gift giver” with the “most present person.”

4: Create Rest Days

Take a day and rest. We know what you are thinking… “A day of rest in December?!” It’s possible. Ask yourself the question - “What is the thing that brings me the most life?” Once you figure out your answer, pick a day, and do that. Whether its reading, writing, running, time with friends or family, pick a day a week and set time aside for those things.

5 : Follow an Advent Calendar

Advent simply means “coming” as in the reason for Christmas is coming. It is a practice in the Christian faith of remembering that Christmas means that God came to be with us. There are different ways you can do it. Click HERE for a few suggestions.

6: Start a New Tradition

There is something about the Christmas season that makes us embrace tradition more than ever. What is a new tradition that you can create personally or as a family?

7: Practice Celebration

Celebration brings joy to our soul. We can all use more joy right?! Find specific things to celebrate this Christmas season. Create intentional moments to celebrate. What are moments in the next month that you can be more joyful or grateful.? When you realize those moments make note of them or share them with your family when they happen.