Instructions for Christmas at Home

Before you get started WATCH THIS.

There is no doubt we have all experienced a year like no other. Our hope is that through this small moment you are reminded of the sweet things that have existed alongside of the sour in 2020, and that you find yourself in a place of gratitude. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says - “give thanks in all circumstances…”

Now this year has come with some things that we maybe would consider sour; maybe it’s been hard to be thankful for things this year (what are some of those things for you). It can be easy to see these things sometimes.

Have you ever tried a Sour Patch Kid before? (If you have some laying around go eat one)

What is the first taste ?!? it is sour - RIGHT!!!

Then what comes next?!? THE SWEET!!!

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says - “give thanks in all circumstances…”

So just like the sour patch kid you just ate there have been some sour things that have happened in 2020, but there has also been some things in this time that have been sweet. 

You see this verse tells us that we can be thankful in the circumstance not for the circumstance. In other words, we can always find the sweet to be thankful for even in the sour.

So let’s make a list using a pen and a piece of paper -
What are some things from this year of 2020 that you can be thankful for that you thought were sweet. Ask God to reveal those things for you. 


Now take another piece of paper, pens, markers, or crayons and get creative. Write the things you thought of that you can be thankful for this year in a creative way. We encourage you to put it somewhere you can remember to be thankful in all circumstances, and have an attitude of gratitude for 2020.

Pray and thank God for reminding you of all the things you can be thankful for. 


Click HERE and take a picture with your artwork. Post it with #citychurchathome