1553 Flynt St, Griffin, GA 30223
*prayer will be in the school. Park in the front parking lot. As you turn onto Flynt St. you will take a left into the school parking lot.
From day one of being on the ground, Orrs has been our partner school. From kickball, field day, staff appreciation, and mentoring…God has allowed us to build an incredible relationship with Orrs. We have seen God do so much at Orrs the last 5 years.
As you arrive today, walk the halls and look for one classroom to pray over. Classrooms that have been prayed over will have a blue sticky on the door. If the room does not have a blue sticky please stop and pray over that classroom and teacher (if teacher is listed). Below is a prayer if you need some direction.
God, we are grateful that we can even stand in these hallways today, that you have granted us the ability to have a strong relationship with Orrs. We pray for it to grow even stronger. Would you guide us in caring for the staff and students well. May they know that they are cared for and loved by the church, and we ask that this would lead them towards you.
We pray right now specifically for the teacher (Teachers Name if listed) for this classroom. We pray that they are receiving rest over the summer as they prepare to return this coming school year. We pray that they will have the best year of teaching they have ever had. May there be a calmness and eagerness to learn from every student that enters their room. When the days are tough give them your peace, strength, and comfort. Would they not lack anything that they need. Would there be peace in this classroom and an eagerness for students to learn.
And God we pray that you would lead this teacher towards you and through their impact students would be led to you. Guide us in every way on how to care and love Orrs.
God thank you for allowing us to CARE for the kids, teachers, and staff here at Orrs Elementary. Show us how we can continue to show them that you love them. Help the teachers to be STRONG when things are hard and give the kids a heart to learn.
241 Blanton Ave, Griffin, GA 30223
*the gym will be closed but feel free to stay in your car, walk the sidewalks, or the park.
The story of Fairmont is such an incredible story of God opening doors for us to be for the city. We were asked in 2020 to be the acting organization for youth basketball in Spalding County. For the last 3 seasons we have served close to 1,000 youth in our area and connected with close to 75 coaches. As you pray today our hope is that we begin to see souls awakened to Jesus through the relationships that are built this coming season.
God we are so grateful that you opened the door for us to lead recreation basketball in Spalding County. We are grateful that we get the opportunity to impact the lives of youth and families in our community through the game of basketball.
As we begin our fourth season, we ask God that you would go ahead of us. Would you already begin to prepare the way for more than 350 kids and a coach for every team. Would you provide coaches that seek out what is best for each child, and would you make the basketball courts a place where unity happens in our community. Would you provide everything that is needed for this upcoming season.
We pray for a season full of joy that kids and their families would find these types of joyful moments throughout the season. We pray against anywhere the enemy would bring about division or attempt to cause harm.
God, we ask that you create steps towards you. That the game of basketball is the avenue that you use to awaken people to you. Would this season create even deeper trust between the community and the church.
God, we thank you for the chance to LOVE our community through Spalding United. We pray that kids and families will have times of fun and JOY through basketball games and practices. Mostly we pray that even more kids and families will have a chance to experience your LOVE this season.
Field Across the Street from the New Building
220 E. Solomon St. Griffin, Ga 30223
*if it is raining feel free to stay in your car and pray.
We have been so grateful to serve our city through Movie in the Park and the Ice Cream Truck over the last 6 years. Even before we were meeting regularly on Sundays, we were volunteering for Movie in the Park and handing out ice cream. Showing more than 25 movies and giving out over 80,000 pieces of ice cream these two spaces have been a place where God has created moments for people that connect them with him and his church.
God thank you for building the trust for our city and community to run Movie in the Park and hand out ice cream in our community for the last 6 years. Thanks for all the memories and moments of fun that have been made with our city. Thank you Jesus for those who have found you through Movie in the Park and the Ice Cream Truck. We pray for more.
Would you use your church to awaken those in Griffin as we build relationships with those who attend Movie in the Park and those we hand out ice cream to. Would you continue to provide City Builders to help serve our city, and as they serve build life changing moments and relationships.
God would you use Movie in the Park and the Ice Cream Truck to bring more to our community than we could ask or imagine. Would it be a catalyst in awakening the soul and the city to you. May every movie and piece of ice cream create next steps to you.
God would you give us a heart that wants to SERVE others before ourselves? We thank you for using movie in the park and ICE CREAM to help people see you through the way we SERVE in our city.